Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sembradores de Cristo

Also on August 1, I helped a group of Quichua ladies from a church in the South of Quito called Sembradores de Cristo (Sowers of Christ) begin their first ever savings group. The week before we had met to work out the rules for their group. On the first, we met to sign the rules and to make the first savings collection. The leaders of the group did a great job running their first meeting, with ten women participating. I was so excited since this is the first Quichua group I have been able to help in this way! They have big dreams about what to do with their savings, and it will take them a long time to save up. But for now, they have a goal of saving for one year. Once a month I will visit the group for on-going group training. I will also meet with the leaders ahead of time for some on-going leader training.

First Ever!

It had been suggested to me that I begin a blog about my development projects here in Ecuador. My hypothesis is that community development can be a tool for spiritual change, and possibly even for church planting. So, here I am in Ecuador with lots of projects up my sleeve, looking for God's hand in several communities.

The first week in August Mike and I began working in San Luis de Pigulca, near Otavalo, Ecuador along with a work team from Horizon Presbyterian Church from Greenville, SC. They were doing Vacation Bible School and helping with a small construction project on the community house. I helped out with VBS, but I also began a participation project in the community. What is great about Pigulca? What has already been successful? What are community members' dreams for the future? What a wonderful time of discovery in separate meetings with the women and the men of the community! God has already been at work! How can I help them to discover this? Just by helping them list all the things they have already accomplished was a beginning. They are very proud of their Quichua culture, and many of their practices and traditions. I pray that the Lord will help Mike and me to help them by encouraging them in their own development, both individually and as a community.

The picture above is Inti and Nancy, a young couple in the community. Nancy has their son, also named Inti, on her back in the traditional way to carry small children here. They were an active part of community meetings.